Music Volunteer

Music Volunteer

Organisation role · 2–4 hrs/Week · Starting from 15 Mar 2023
60-62 Pitt St, Norwich NR3 1DF, UK
TeachingEvents & festivalAdvice & MentoringMusicCreative
Community & familyWellbeingPoverty reduction
1 No Poverty3 Good health and well-being17 Partnerships for the goals

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Fresh Start Future Enterprises
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We are looking for people who have an interest in music, whether that’s playing an instrument, DJing, producing music

Detailed description

Are you interested in sharing your experience and leaving a legacy of music mentees that will be the next generation of record label founders, artists’ managers, musicians, event managers, and A&Rs, going above and beyond?

 We are looking for volunteers who would bring a positive attitude and experience from the music industry to help our clients engage in Music for Mental Wellbeing Workshops. 

 As a Music Mentor, you will have a chance to:

Support our clients to become more confident in their music practice

Co facilitate music workshops to enhance Mental wellbeing

Discover new talent

Teach the clients new skills and help refine existing ones, as well as how to stay consistent with their practice

Give music-specific advice 

Share your passion with other music enthusiasts 

We are looking for people who have an interest in music, whether that’s playing an instrument, DJing, producing music. Ideally, you should be familiar with the UK music industry and have experience either professionally or as a hobby.

Approximately 2 – 3 hours per week (TBC)

If you want to develop your skills further, there are lots of opportunities as a volunteer

·        Gaining new skills

·        Making new friends

·        Mental and physical health and wellbeing. ...

·        Giving something back

·        Improving your confidence

·        Ongoing supervision

Reasonable Travel Expenses will be reimbursed


DBS needed

Ongoing Supervision

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Fresh Start Future Enterprises

Fresh Start are a lived experience service that specifically support individuals who have been through the criminal justice system. We offer a bespoke service that aims to reduce the risks to re-offending. We offer 1-1 support, group workshops and socially inclusive activities