Trustee: Nelson's Journey
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Nelson's Journey
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Norfolk’s leading child bereavement charity, Nelson’s Journey, is looking to recruit new Trustees to add to the Board’s knowledge and skills.Detailed description
Full application form and info available from Nelson's Journey's website.
Recent years have seen an increase in demand for the charity’s support and need to grow the charity’s resources.
The successful applicants will join a Board of Trustees with a diverse set of skills, and work alongside them to provide comprehensive governance for our developing services.
The Board is seeking candidates with particular experience in the following areas:
- Clinical Governance: to support the Board’s role in considering the development and delivery of services to meet growing needs
- Marketing and/or Fundraising: to support the Board’s understanding of profile and income growth potential and opportunities
Further info from CEO Simon Wright with further information at Nelson's Journey's website.
About Nelson's Journey
Nelson‘s Journey supports children and young people in Norfolk who’ve experienced the death of a significant person. Since 1997, Nelson’s Journey has helped thousands of bereaved children and young people in the county.