Repair Café Norwich - Admin / IT / volunteers wanted

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We would love to find more admin and IT volunteers for this growing organisation - we have a wide range of roles that can be adapted around volunteers skills.Detailed description
Repair Café Norwich is a rapidly growing Community Interest Company (CIC) that was founded in 2022 and has a repair café once a month at different venues around the city. We are able to fix a huge variety of things with the help of our extremely talented volunteer fixers, and we have a wonderful café serving home made vegan cakes and drinks.
The running of the café does require quite a lot of admin both at our events and in the background to keep it all running smoothly - reception, website management, venue hire, social media updates, funding applications, newsletters, data inputting, etc
We are looking for more support in these areas, and we can make and adapt different roles to suit volunteers skills and abilities. Most roles are without deadlines, but volunteers do need to be reliable and self motivated to complete tasks well and in good time, and some roles would have more supervision than others.
This is a great collective of like minded individuals who share a passion for doing very rewarding and useful community work that is aimed at reducing environmental impact whilst educating people about fixing possibilities and having fun whilst doing it!