Collection box coordinator

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We're looking for enthusiastic volunteers to distribute and pick up collection boxes for shops and businesses locally.Detailed description
If you live in or around King's Lynn, Swaffham, Wells, or Wisbech (including Tilney or Terrington) we'd like your help.
Every year collection boxes bring in thousands of pounds for us - so if you like getting out and about, meeting people and building relationships, this is the role for you!
We're looking for enthusiastic volunteers to distribute static collection boxes to shops and businesses - and we'd like you to cover an area near where you live.
You'll approach local businesses to tell them about the work of the hospice and try and get permission to leave a collection box at their premises.
When boxes need emptying, you'll liaise with the hosts to arrange a suitable date and time to collect them for banking the money. A small amount of administration and paperwork is necessary to record what you do.
You'll like this role if you're a friendly, outgoing person who's happy to talk to people about the hospice, but with no need for a hard sell. So that you can communicate with confidence about the work of the hospice you'll be given overview training.
About Tapping House
The support provided is tailored to the individual, encompassing their physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs in an understanding, caring and compassionate way, ensuring dignity is maintained throughout.
Care is delivered at the hospice in Hillington, either in the Inpatient Unit, Day Therapy Unit or via one-to-one sessions at the hospice. Care is sometimes provided in people’s own homes.
The current services cost over £2.5 million per year to run; the NHS funds only 32% of this, with the majority coming from the support of local groups, businesses and individuals.