Community Helpers

Community Helpers

Organisation role · 1–3 hrs/Week · Starting from 14 Feb 2023
Thetford, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom
Advice & MentoringBefriendingSupport workSocial contactGrocery shoppingAccompanyingAssistanceWalk the dogOther
Social justiceWellbeingCommunity & family
1 No Poverty3 Good health and well-being16 Peace, justice and strong institutions

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Anglia Care Trust
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Community Helpers Needed!

Detailed description

Community Helpers Needed

Can you spare an hour or two a week to have a cuppa and a chat to support someone in your local community?

If the answer is YES then WE NEED YOU!

We are looking for volunteers to be matched to a vulnerable person in their local community to visit them at home for a cup of tea and a chat to help reduce loneliness and offer support.

These individuals will have been recently discharged from hospital and need a friendly face to speak to whilst they recover.

Full training is provided and all mileage expenses are paid at 45p a mile.


We would love to hear from you!

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Anglia Care Trust

ACT has been established for over 50 years and we have over 100 staff and more than 250 amazing volunteers. Our services give people the stability, support and challenge which they need to enable them to realise their full potential.

We specialise in preventative, community based services, giving people the stability, support and challenge which is often required in order to enable them to realise their full potential. We deliver a range of projects promoting the well being of children, young people, adults and families alike.

Our activities, both charitable and publicly funded are delivered within three broad headings:

Community Safety – helping people to feel safe
Housing Services – helping people to keep a roof over their heads
Advice, Guidance and Advocacy – helping people to be heard


Everyone has the opportunity to live in their community with support, dignity and purpose.


Our Mission is to assist people, whatever their circumstances, realise this vision by providing a range of high quality advice, guidance and support services, delivered by skilled and knowledgeable personnel.


We are an organisation that responds to our communities needs and our values are:
Always act with integrity, honesty, trust and respect
Empower individuals, families and neighbourhoods
Embed strong governance, financial prudence, Safeguarding good practice and equality and diversity into everything we do
Use our expertise to influence positive change within everything in which we’re involved
Continuously review and improve our contribution to society & therefore increase public benefit.