Befriender for Speech and Language Therapy clients

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Volunteers will provide a befriending service for people who have become isolated or lost their confidence due to communication difficulties.Detailed description
Volunteers will support people that have an ongoing speech and language need as part of a supported discharge from the Speech And Language Team at ECCH. They will provide a befriending service for clients who have become isolated or have lost their confidence due to communication difficulties, following on from a brain injury, often from a stroke. The volunteer will meet regularly with the client to provide a friendly visit and encourage the client to regain confidence, improving both their independence and quality of life. The match will be for up to 3 months, with regular reviews.
Client referrals will come from the Great Yarmouth, Gorleston, Lowestoft and South Waveney areas. So initially we will be looking for volunteers in these regions.
Tasks will vary from depending on the needs of the client, but are likely to include:
· Visiting the client in their own home, or local park/café, at a time decided by the client and volunteer
· Spend time chatting with the client, taking time to encourage them to communicate and listening to them
· Provide support as the client builds confidence, possibly going for a walk or visiting a local café if appropriate