Dereham - Volunteer Ambassadors

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Get Me Out The Four Walls are looking for more parent Volunteer Ambassadors to join our team.Detailed description
Get Me Out The Four Walls offers peer support and informal social meets for parents and carers, living in Norfolk and Suffolk to overcome social isolation. Our informal social meets are organised by our team of volunteer Ambassadors. We offer support through information, advice, and guidance. We utilise the local network of voluntary sector and professional organisations to signpost parents and carers towards additional support. The GMOTFW hub based in Lakenham, but open to the Norwich and Norfolk wide community, offers a safe, welcoming space for parents with babies and young children to connect with others with Peer Support available for those experiencing poor perinatal mental health.
Our main Charity purpose is 'To reduce social isolation and improve access to well being and mental health services for parents and carers'
We are looking for more parent Volunteer Ambassadors to host 2 social meets per month either in their local community or at our hub in Lakenham. Social meets can take place in parks, cafe's, Soft Play centres - anywhere to escape those 4 walls.