Chess Club - North Walsham Library

Chess Club - North Walsham Library

Organisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
New Rd, North Walsham NR28 9DE, UK
Social contactOtherTeaching
Community & familyEducationWellbeing
3 Good health and well-being4 Quality education10 Reduced inequalities

Contact person

Katherine OsborneAsk Katherine a question
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Norfolk Library and Information Service
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We are looking for a volunteer to help with our chess club at North Walsham Library. The sessions run from 4.15-6.00pm on a Friday afternoon.

Detailed description

As part of this role you will be asked to:

  • Help staff with setting up a chess session
  • Be available at set times to play with those attending the session
  • Teach people the game rules as necessary
  • Clear away games at the end of the session, and ensure that all parts and pieces are in the correct boxes

Key skills include:

  • An enjoyment of playing chess
  • A sociable personality
  • Patient and willing to spend time encouraging people to participate regardless of their skill level
  • A good communicator with people of all ages and backgrounds

Sessions take place on a Friday afternoon.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.2 spots left.
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About Norfolk Library and Information Service

Norfolk Library and Information Service is nationally recognised as being one of the best library services in the country. We're an integral part of the public service offer in Norfolk. Our vision is for everyone in Norfolk to use their inspirational, safe and welcoming libraries. Our volunteers support and add value to our Library services. We have roles to suit all needs and we welcome volunteers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.