Summer Reading Challenge Volunteer - Ready, Set, Read!

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Norfolk Libraries will be running our Ready, Set, Read! Summer Reading Challenge in the Summer holidays and we're looking for volunteers aged 13-25 to help.Detailed description
We are looking for young volunteers aged 13-25 to help with our Summer Reading Challenge. Young volunteers help us to promote the challenge to children and their parents, they will talk to young people about what they're reading and help keep them on course to complete the challenge and get their certificate. There's also opportunities to demonstrate your art skills by helping to decorate the children's library for the summer.
We are looking for volunteers who are:
- keen to learn
- reliable
- happy to talk to children and their parents
Volunteer travel expenses can be reimbursed and we provide an induction at the start of the summer to tell you everything you need to know about the role.
Volunteering times can be flexible to allow for holidays, etc. but we look to get them booked in at the start of the summer so everyone knows when they're expected to be at the library.
This year volunteers can use their volunteering towards a FLOURISH Youth Award. Volunteering hours can also be used towards a Duke of Edinburgh Award if you are currently completing one through your school or another organisation.