Building Trade Volunteers

Building Trade Volunteers

Task · 4–8 hrs
114-118 Oak St, Norwich NR3 3BP, UK
TrainingSupervisingConstructionFundraisingAdvice & Mentoring
EducationChildren & youthWellbeing
4 Quality education8 Decent work and economic growth17 Partnerships for the goals

Contact person

Debbie GranthamAsk Debbie a question
This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.4 spots left.
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St Edmunds Society
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Do you have experience in a trade - carpentry, painting and decorating, brick-laying, mechanics, tiling, DIY? Could you pass on your skills to our students?

Detailed description

Help us to encourage, motivate and teach our young people in a trade. Support our tutors in promoting our skills training, health and safety and working together.

We would like help in our construct areas where you will join small learning groups.

You can help us ·        Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 3.30pm.

·        3 hours per week and a regular commitment (i.e. Monday 10am – 1pm every week)

·        Flexible hours (i.e. 9.30-12.30, 12.30-15.30, 10.00-14.00 or any other hours that suit you)

·        Rotated between all vocational areas as required

·        Trial session to see if this is for you

·        Full induction and Volunteer Handbook provided

  • Mileage paid
  • Lunch provided on a full volunteering day

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.4 spots left.
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About St Edmunds Society

We provide skills training and support for young people who may struggle in a mainstream education setting. Training is in construction, mechanics, catering, health and social care, hair and beauty and functional skills. We are a dedicated team providing industry led qualifications by experienced tutors and provide pastoral support to help our students flourish.