Playgroup assistant

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Do you enjoy working and playing with young children? Looking to do something in the community or learn new skills to enhance your CV?Detailed description
We are a long established, thriving playgroup renound for our friendly atmosphere running weekly sessions (term time) on an entirely voluntary basis. We are seeking an assistant to help regularly. You will work alongside other volunteers and duties are flexible and can be tailored around your interests and skills.
There is also the option to get involved with admin/activity planning/other tasks if desired, to attend relevant training courses (outside of normal working hours), to lead structured activities with a specific age group and to
network with guest professionals working in the family and children sector.
Working hours Tuesday mornings (school term time) 8.45am to 11.30am. We are within easy walking distance of Lingwood Train Station (direct trains from Norwich) and opposite bus stop served by buses from Rail Station/City Centre/Cringleford/Newmarket Road. Free car parking at venue. No experience necessary - full training and supervision will be given. Uniform provided. Please give all your details and background when applying. Minimum age 16 years. Do get in touch if you have any questions.