Curious about the Subtleties: Exploring Neurodiversity

The Empowering Communities partnership are excited to let you know about an upcoming EDI workshop we have in the calendar. (This is the second in our series of EDI workshops but can be attended as a stand alone event).
Curious about the Subtleties: Exploring Neurodiversity is a poetically immersive exploration of the landscape of neurodiversity – being led by Reannon Tap from Hidden Capacities.
Taking place on Thursday 20th February 9:30am until 12:30pm at Fuel Studios Norwich
What to expect:
- Spoken word poetry – two pieces will be performed within the workshop: a piece to immerse participants into the process at the beginning and a piece to conclude the workshop.
- Exploring the subtleties of neurodiversity – we will engage in discussion about key critical aspects that tend to get overlooked.
- Our facilitator will share her lived experience to provide insights into neurodiversity and illuminate discussion points.
- Considering "Masking / Camouflaging" – What is this? What are the implications? We'll discuss how neuroinclusive cultures provide safe spaces for people to be open about their neuro differences; the difficulties as well as the strengths.
- Examining what to be aware of when providing reasonable adjustments, exploring the top three collective difficulties that neurodiverse people tend to need support with.
- Introduction to visual stress and colourimetry, recognising the growing prevalence of these issues.
There will be an organic and responsive nature to this workshop that will endeavour to cater specifically for the people that are in the room. How these aspects of the workshop will be delivered on the day may vary due to the requirements of the participants and the desire to create an experience that is authentic, engaging and memorable.
There will be a mid-workshop break with tea, coffee and biscuits provided.
A little bit about Reannon Tapp:
Reannon is the Founder of Hidden Capacities C.I.C, a social enterprise that seeks to co-create opportunities for a neuro co-existence to thrive within society.
Reannon is neurodivergent. She is dyslexic and also screens high for ADHD. She has an extensive background in working with & advocating for people who are / experience neuro differences.
She is a spoken word poet, who creatively invites audiences to connect with the multi-faceted nature of neurodiversity.
Reannon has over 15 years’ experience of collaboratively designing and facilitating talks, workshops, creative events which focus on bringing varying topics related to neurodiversity alive.
She was acknowledged for her contributions to a publication for the National Autistic Society and approached to give advice to the Board for the Norfolk Autistic Trust Fund in her early twenties
Curious about the Subtleties: Exploring Neurodiversity is a poetically immersive exploration of the landscape of neurodiversity. This workshop delves deep into aspects that can be critical for our collective understanding of neurodiversity but often get overlooked or missed.
Other things to note:
This training workshop, unlike many of our other events, incurs a charge of £15 +VAT per participant. This is to ensure attendance and to reflect the expertise of the facilitator, as well as to contribute to our costs, which are subsidised by the Empowering Communities partnership.
Tickets are limited to a maximum of 2 per organisation, to ensure the training is accessed by as many VCSEs as possible.
Click on the Eventbrite link below to book you space