Opportunities anywhere
30 resultsTrustee opportunityOrganisation role · 3–4 hrs/Week
Secretary Trustee
Can you support the smooth running of meetings by providing administrative support to the Board?Posted by Inclusive Norwich
Organisation role · Flexible hours
Various Roles at Our Day Centre for Older People
Do you live near Attleborough? Would you like to be involved with our Day Centre for Older People? Do you have a few hours to spare? Posted by Attleborough Day CentreOrganisation role · Flexible hours
The Hamlet - Trustee
Join The Hamlet Charity as a trustee and make a difference in 2025.Posted by The Hamlet CharityOrganisation role · 4–24 hrs/month
King's Lynn
The Lynn And Dereham Railway Preservation Trust are looking for Trustees to form a foundation charitable incorporated organisation.Posted by Middleton Towers Railway Station Restoration GroupTask · 8+ hrs
King's Lynn
Financial accounts
We are looking for a qualified individual to manage our accounts as we transition from a Community Interest Company to a fully-fledged charity.Posted by Middleton Towers Railway Station Restoration GroupOrganisation role · 2–8 hrs/month
From home
We are going through a re-structure and are looking for applicants with a governance background and awareness of safeguarding. Posted by Mid Norfolk MencapOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Board of Trustees
We currently have a vacancy for a volunteer to join the Board.Please see below for more detailed description.Posted by Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services
Organisation role · Flexible hours
Treasurer for Board of Trustees
We are looking to recruit a Volunteer for the position of Treasurer. Please see below for a more detailed description.Posted by Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse ServicesOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Volunteer needed for Scouting supporting young people aged 10 - 14 (Scouts)
We are looking for volunteers to expand our team so we can offer fun and adventure for more young people aged 10-14 years in the Freethorpe area of Norfolk.Posted by Norfolk ScoutsOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Star Throwers Cancer Support Charity is dedicated to supporting people with cancer and their carers, from diagnosis through to life after cancer. Posted by Star ThrowersOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Chair of Trustees
Star Throwers Cancer Support Charity is dedicated to supporting people with cancer and their carers, from diagnosis through to life after cancerPosted by Star ThrowersOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Great Yarmouth
Treasurer at the Lydia Eva and Mincarlo Charitable Trust
The Trust, which preserves two historic fishing vessels as floating museums, is looking for a Treasurer and who will also sit on the committee as a Trustee. Posted by Cultural Connections VolunteeringOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
Volunteer needed for Scouting supporting young people aged 4 - 10 years old
We are looking for volunteers to expand our local teams so we can offer fun and adventure for more boys & girls aged 4 upto 10 years old across Norfolk.Posted by Norfolk ScoutsOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
Volunteer needed for Scouting supporting young people aged 10 - 18 years old
We are looking for volunteers to expand our local teams so we can offer fun and adventure for more boys & girls aged 10-18 years old across Norfolk.Posted by Norfolk ScoutsOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Volunteer needed for Scouting supporting young people aged 6-8 yrs old (Beavers)
We are looking for volunteers to expand our team so we can offer fun and adventure for more young people aged 6-8 years old in the Freethorpe area of Norfolk.Posted by Norfolk ScoutsOrganisation role · 2–6 hrs/month
King's Lynn
As a charitable incorporated organisation registered with the charities Commission, we are looking to recruit new Trustees to join Jeanette, Kathryn and Carol. Posted by Mr Bee's Family CentreOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Volunteer needed for Scouting with young people 4-18year olds
We are looking for volunteers to expand our team so we can offer fun and adventure for more young people (4-18 years) here in NorwichPosted by 29th Norwich Scout GroupOrganisation role · Flexible hours